
Water Park.jpg
Foto: fot. Municipal Center of Sports and Recreation, Water Park.jpg

In the heart of Puławy and, at the same time, in surroundings of forests there is a complex of open swimming pools.


For those who want to practice their swimming abilities awaits an open swimming pool of 50 metres with heated water and eight lanes with depth of 150-200 cm. In the aquapark there is an open swimming pool, water slides, beach volleyball fields, a paddling pool for small children as well as attractions which make relax in water even more pleasant (water mushroom, an air geyser, two neck massagers, two aerating benches). In the complex area there is a playground, a lot of space for sunbathing and for those who wish for shadow, there is a café where you can hide from the sun rays. Next to the aquapark, there is the Hotel Olympic with the view for the athletic stadium and swimming pools. (


Puławy Tennis Courts

Modern tennis courts are waiting for amateurs of active recreation. The courts dispose of a place to play on fresh air and in a special tent. The Municipal Centre of Sports and Recreation invites you after a prior reservation. Telephone number: 516 856 577.


The Magiczne Ogrody in Trzcianki

The Magiczne Ogrody is the first Polish family thematic park created on the basis of an original mythical history. Among hundreds of flowers, trees and bushes you will discover a fabulous land where unusual creatures live. Every land is sensoric area for experiences, stimulating development and imagination of your child. All attractions are challenges building self-confidence and self-esteem. The whole complex is an adventure, contact with nature and time spent attractively and what’s the most important – time spent together. (


The Illusion Farm in Trojanów

Nearby Puławy, on the road to Warsaw, there is the Illusion Farm – a place where everybody will find a curiosity for himself. The most popular attraction is “a flying house of mystery” where we can experience a difference between what we see and what we feel. On the Illusion Farm there is a lot of attractions so you can spend there a whole day. (


The rope park in Kazimierz Dolny

A rope park “Kazimierz” is the best fun for the whole family in Kazimierz Dolny. Active recreation on fresh air guarantees unforgettable experiences. You will be prepared to have fun on high by qualified and experienced instructors. (


The Vistula Valley Narrow Gauge Railway

Railway lovers will be certainly interested in a tourist excursion with an over 100 year-old narrow gauge tourist train “Nadwiślanin” through picturesque areas of Nałęczów Plateau and Chodelska Basin. (


The Air Force Museum in Dęblin

Fans of airplanes should visit the museum in Dęblin which offers a plain air exposition with airplanes, helicopters and a technical rocket and radiolocation equipment. You can visit there, among others, Jak-40 airplane of the resident of Poland as well as see how uniforms of military service look like. (


The Polar Research Museum in Puławy

The museum located in the Czartoryski Street No. 6 is the first such instruction in Poland. It is here where you can admire exhibits brought from research expeditions. (


The Museum of Unusual Bikes in Gołąb

In this unusual museum you can try out different types of bicycles – horizontal, circus and even “galloping” ones. (


The Blacksmith Museum in Wojciechów

You will see here how the horseshoes were forged and how metal objects were manufactured by hand. It is a place which inspires. Visitors may play a blacksmith march on an anvil here, sharpen an axe on a hand grinder, listen stories about work of a blacksmith and get to know why is it precisely a horseshoe that brings happiness.


Exotic near Puławy

Near Puławy there are two places where you can get to know friendly alpacas more closely: feed them, take them for a walk and take a photo with them. Visits are possible after a prior reservation. Alpakoterapia Puławy – Bronowice 87E, telephone number: 691 024 489. Alpaka Ranczo – Łęka 8, telephone number: 579 160 001.


The mini zoo in Wojciechów

It is an ideal place for rest and recreation outside town, for all people that like spending their free time actively, on fresh air, in a direct contact with nature and animals. On the area of 4 hectares there are gathered several tens of exotic animal species, a spacious playground, numerous attractions, dining and educational facilities. (


The mini Zoo in Nałęczów

It is an ideal place for families with children. Small visitors may feed animals and participate in everyday care of animals. (


Horse rides

Nearby Puławy there are several stables which are willingly visited by children and adults and these are, among others: Fiord Ranczo – Janowiec (, Stajnia Bajka – Leokadiów (, Ranczo w Brzozach – Kochanów (, Stajnia Wylągi – Kazimierz Dolny (, Stadnina Koni Dąbrówka – Kazimierz Dolny (, Stadnina Polesiówka – Polesie (


Puławy in winter

Puławy is a place where you can choose between numerous attractions also in colder seasons. An indoor swimming pool, an outdoor ice rink with equipment rental and nearby ski slopes are waiting for tourists!